Sports Tracker released for Windows Phone

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When you talk about "applications that you need on a new phone before you'll make the move", many people will cite Sports Tracker as one of their killer apps. I know I would. One more barrier drops today, as Sports Tracking Technologies announce their multi-platform exercise and monitoring client, Sports Tracker, is now available for Windows Phone.

 Sports Tracker on Windows Phone Sports Tracker on Windows Phone 

Whenever you start on any exercise, kick of Sports Tracker and tell it what activity you're doing. Position, speed, time, and an estimate on energy burned up will be recorded, and at the end of each session you can upload this to the Sports Tracker website to join all your other sessions, no matter what device they were captured on.

 Sports Tracker on Windows Phone Sports Tracker on Windows Phone

I've been using Sports Tracker to keep an eye on my cycling around Edinburgh on a variety of devices since Sports Tracker was first launched (as a beta from Nokia Labs - it's now been spun out as a separate company), and all that historical data is worth a lot to me, so I'm really glad I can start collecting new data on Windows Phone, and analyse the older data when I want.

 Sports Tracker on Windows Phone Sports Tracker on Windows Phone

Sports Tracker is also celebrating the launch with a chance to win a Nokia Lumia 800 to run the application on. It's being powered by their Facebook page, just 'Like' their page and answer a few questions and you might have a little bit more motivation to keep on running. Or cycling. Or power-hopping...

Source / Credit: Sports Tracker (Blog)