Six reasons Windows Phone will improve in 2012

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Murani Lewis picks out some of the areas that will make Windows Phone a better mobile operating system as 2012 progresses over on Mobility Digest. It's a good list, and while it might not have any surprises that's a good thing - manufacturers and networks like predictability in the medium term.

Highlighting the differences in support and consumer impact in the NoDo and Mango updates, Lewis argues that the momentum of Mango will build, more applications will tempt more developers and customers, B2B support such as Lync and Office365 will make the hansets attractive to enterprise... And then there's Rolling Thunder:

Unless you’ve been living under a rock you have undoubtedly seen and read about the Lumia 710 and 800 phones.  You’ve also obviously also seen the creativity and effectiveness of Nokia’s marketing efforts.  Nokia is putting Microsoft’s money to good use and will continue to do so in 2012 in the US. Almost as importantly, Nokia has fought to gain equal footing with the iPhone and Android phones in terms of carrier support... Nokia’s push into the European and other markets will dramatically increase the user base for Windows Phone and along with that comes other delightful benefits to all Windows Phone users.

What do you make of Lewis' list, and are there any obvious areas that can be added to the six choices?

Source / Credit: Murani Lewis (Mobility Digest)