Priced at 14,500 rupees (around £175), ZTE's entry level Windows Phone Mango handset, is now available in the Indian market. Sporting a 4.3 inch capacitive screen, a 1.4 GHz snapdragon processor, and a 5 megapixel camera capable of recording in 720p HD, the Tania is a very interesting device in terms of pricing and positioning.
This is the same space that Nokia are expected to make a huge contribution, and the Tania is going to get a lot of comparison to the Nokia Lumia 710 in the short term, and as price becomes a key selling point, they could be one of the key partners for Microsoft.
And while it might be a bit short on internal memory, with just 4GB on the spec sheet, those specs also list microSD support for cards up up to 32GB...