Sleep Bug app helps you fall to sleep

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Sleep Bug is a sound mixer application that produces ambient scene music, which can make it easier to relax and fall alseep (similar to white sound machines). Sleep Bug was first published in March last year, but has recently been updated with a number of bug fixes and support for Mango fast app switching.

Sleep Bug has a number of scenes that produce different ambient sounds (beach, music box, river, jungle, fire, weather, horror, city and sci-fi). Each of these scenes has a base sound to which, optionally, sound effects can be added. For example, the beach scene allows you to add wind chimes, gull cries and lapping water sound effects. This provides a good amount of variation and avoids the monotony you tend to find in pure white noise generators.

There a sleep timer function, which allows you to set how long the ambient sound should be played for. This means you can set the application up and start playing sound, and go to sleep, without having to worry about switching it off. 

Sleep Bug, which has been ported across from the iPhone, has been slickly implemented with easy to use touch controls and high quality sound samples. There are a number of competing applications in the Marketplace (Relax Melodies, White Noise and Alarm Clock Pro), each of wich take a differing approach. Sleep Bug's major plus point is the degree of easy customisation for an individual scene.

Whether ambient sounds and applications that generate them work for any individual is really a matter of experimentation, but for many such application are worthy addition to the smartphone app portfolio.

Sleep Bug, which is developed by Panzertax, comes in two version a free and paid (£1.99) pro version. The pro version has an addition eight scenes over the free version. Both can be downloaded from the Windows Phone Marketplace.


Sleep Bug is a sound mixer that produces ambient scene music with random sound effects.

Thanks to the powerful built in sound generator Sleep Bug sounds realistic and will give you many hours of quality sleep. 


Sleep Bug ScreenshotSleep Bug ScreenshotSleep Bug Screenshot

Source / Credit: AAWP App Directory