InstantReddit brings the up and down votes to your smartphone

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If this was 2011, I'd be looking for a Digg client for my Windows Phone, but you get the feeling that Kevin Rose's site has left the hype cycle behind. It's all about Reddit now, and that means looking out for ways to use Reddit on my smartphone, which leads me to InstantReddit, an unofficial client for the popular social network and linking site.

More than an RSS feed of the popular topics, Intertouch Media's application supports commenting, up and down voting, personal messaging and subscriptions to different topics (subreddits) on the site.

 Instant Reddit Instant Reddit

Features include:

  • Mango support (fast app switching, pinning tiles, etc)
  • Commenting support
  • Up/down voting of stories and comments
  • Subscribing/unsubscribing to subreddits
  • Messages
  • Tons more!

Yes, the developers went with the "tons more!" bullet point, but that's not surprising, there's a lot on offer here. You'll need to be familiar with how Reddit works, but nowadays that's a lot of people.

Source / Credit: AAWP App Directory