Jeff Wilcox on coffee shop coding and building an app for yourself

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Jeff Wilcox has been a busy developer - following on from the update to 4th and Mayor, he's the fifth fourth interviewee in the Tech Developer Interviews at Tech In 5. Jubbin Grewal sits down with Wilcox to talk about 4th and Mayor, who uses it, what comes next, and the inspiration for the continued development of the application.

Wilcox talking about the update process and what gets added:

I build the app for myself, and so if I’m not happy with it, I’m going to fix it – innovate it – make it faster – you name it! I also enjoy building new features, and often will go to a coffee shop here in Seattle on the weekends to code up new features. It’s refreshingly fun, and as a result, I’m able to knock out new features pretty efficiently.

 4th and Mayor 4th and Mayor

The full interview is online here.

Source / Credit: Jubbin Grewal (Tech In 5)