To save you pausing, the games on display in the video are:
- Mirror’s Edge.
- Real Racing 2.
- Sims Medieval.
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour.
- Monopoly.
- Spy Mouse.
- Yahtzee.
- The Game of Life.
- Vampire Rush.
- Parking Mania.
- Picnic Wars.
Other games that appear to be in the mix include:
- FIFA 12
- Madden 12
- NBA Jam
- Dead Space
- Bejeweled 2
- Connect 4
- Risk
- Trivial Pursuit
- Bop It!
...and we're expecting a few more titles to join that list. Labelled as exclusive, it's likely that Nokia have that exclusivity for a small period before EA release the applications to the rest of the Windows Phone platform. That's similar to the arrangement with CNN, which handed Nokia a ninety day window. We'll keep an eye out for more news on the EA deal and let you now when titles are confirmed.