Check up on the weather with UK Snow

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For about fifty weeks of the year, the UK Snow app does nothing. But when the snow comes to the UK, as it has done this week, it becomes a wonderful little look at the country. Using the hashtag #uksnow from Twitter, you can see where the snow is falling and what people are saying about the great British conversation piece... the weather.

 UK Snow UK Snow

Taking that data, and showing it on the map of the country, you'll be able to see how the white stuff covers the country. We didgive you the heads up in December, but it's taken a bit longer for snow to fall than even we thought. Anyway, it's here now and if you are stuck at home, you can have a look around and find out that it's heavier somewhere else.

UK under Snow, by Eyeontheweb cc Flickr
UK under snow, by "Eye on the Web", Flickr CC.

And if you need to check the service from your deskbound computer, head to

Source / Credit: AAWP App Directory