The statistics make it clear that, currently, the most important Windows Phone manufacturers are HTC, Samsung and Nokia. These companies take nine of the top ten device spots (the other being unidentified devices) and represent at least 80% of the devices using the Surf Cube 3D application.
The statistics also show that the Lumia 800 is significantly ahead of its fellow generation two devices (HTC TITAN - 7th place, 6.1% and HTC Radar - 8th place, 5.6%). This would suggest that the Lumia 800 is making up a bigger proportion of Windows Phone device sales than its rival devices. Given the scale of promotional activity and the overall reach of Nokia's distribution chain it is not an unexpected trend. However, the time period in which it has been achieved is, perhaps, shorter than expected.
Some caution should be applied to these numbers because they come from a single application, albeit one that is popular enough to have a significant install base of users.
The statistics themselves come from the Flurry service, which can be used by developers to collect anonymised metrics about their application's users. In this case sessions (i.e. number of of times an application is used) are broken down by device.
Via WPCentral