Love Bubble - a casual game to fill your screen

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In Bubble Love, a free game that was recently added to the Marketplace, the aim is to grow bubbles, score points and fill up the love meter, so that you can proceed to the next level. Complicating matters is the presence of monsters, who hinder your bubble growing efforts. Each monster has a different effect (bursting bubbles, sticking them together, locking them and so on).  

Game controls are simple and intuitive, just touch the screen to start / stop growing a bubble. The graphics, background music and sound effects are charming, there's a nice balance between the easy introductory levels and the harder monster filled levels and there's enough variation to keep thing interesting. 

Outside the game play there's the usual settings for switching off sounds and music, as well as a Monstropedia, which both keeps track of the monsters you find and describes their basic characteristics. 

Recommended for those who like, quick, pick-up-and play, casual mobile games.

Marketplace description:

In this game you have to create a lovely bubbles and fill with them the screen of your phone. The only obstacle to achieve the goal are funny monsters of several types.

Love Bubble, which has been published by Meltdown, is a available as a free download from the Windows Phone Marketplace.


Bubble Love ScreenshotBubble Love ScreenshotBubble Love Screenshot

Source / Credit: AAWP App Directory