Test your geography and your brain with GeoMemory

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Take the classic memory game of pairs, add in a dash of geographic trivia, and lashings of great design... and you get GeoMemory, a new game for Windows Phone from Ved which is doing incredibly well in the French Marketplace. With additional language support for German, Spanish, and English, it's got worldwide appeal as you learn all about those places in the world that you only hear of when the Eurovision Song Contest is on.


Ved, the developer behind GeoMemory, reached out to us here at All About Windows Phone last week, as the application hit the marketplace:

This game is based on the concept of the famous Memory game with countries cards. But here the difference is that the couple of cards are not the same. You can play different modes: flag/flag (classic Memory game), Flag/Country name, Flag/Capital or even Country name/Capital. These modes allow everybody to enjoy and learn all the countries of the world. A campaign with 50 missions and 25 achievements are also available. I have developed this application alone and during my free time for my pleasure and also for all players which will try it I hope.

While it is based on a very simple concept (the memory matching game), there's a quiz element in here as well. You can just match flags to flags, but when you have to pair up the flag to the country it gets a little bit harder, especially when you move away from the obvious countries everyone knows.


Throw in twenty-five achievements that you can earn in the game, a campaign mode with fifty mission to build up your knowledge as you play through, and you can see where Ved has worked to make GeoMemory as accessible as possible, while making it look gorgeous.

GeoMemory, developed by Ved, is available now in the Windows Marketplace for 79p/99 cents.


Source / Credit: AAWP App Directory