Windows Marketplace and the Brit Awards

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Following on from last night's musical Brit Awards in the UK (somebody must have been watching), digital music stores all over the world are giving out links and downloads from the winners. Zune is no exception, with the web store providing a good landing page to start your exploration, and the on-device marketplace clients getting in on the act with downloads of the Official Album and the winners all linked and easy to find.

 The Brits on WP The Brits on WP

To be honest there's every chance that the performers behind the biggest selling mainstream albums of the year will already be in many people's collection, but this easy access and listening to the zeitgeist is the sort of thing that makes online stores more than just a digital shelf to buy random stuff.

There you go, Windows Phone. You can make finding another copy of Adele's album just as easy to find as an iPhone. Congratulations. What's next on your music playlist?

Source / Credit: Zune marketplace