To create an autodance video you need to record four short clips of your friends (victim) or family member pulling of a dance move or waving their leg or arms about. There's no need to worry about co-ordination and frankly the goofier the move the better the end result! With the short clips recorded, tap the on-screen Go button, choose from one of the dance tracks and then wait for your video to be generated.
Once the video is ready you can watch it, but you're also given the option uploading in to YouTube. Here it can join 50,000 other videos on the JD3Autodance YouTube channel.
Here's an example of a video created using the application:
Marketplace description:
Make your friends dance - even the ones that can’t. Simply record your friends doing stuff, and the Autodance app will sync their movements to a choice of dance tracks. Then, like magic, they'll be shaking their stuff in their own instant dance music video. Share their new found talent on Facebook, or upload to Youtube. Everyone is Autodancing; from grannies to dogs, from builders to toddlers.
Just Dance 3 Autodance can be downloaded for free from the Windows Phone Marketplace. Please note that the app is only available in Europe.