On its first birthday, 4th and Mayor gets a bugfix update

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Popular Foursquare client 4th and Mayor continues to be updated by Jeff Wilcox, and while the latest version doesn't add in any new features, Wilcox posts on the blog that the fixes in v3.3 are important and will have a positive impact for most users.

From the blog post:

  • Location Services accuracy bugs have been corrected.
    A large issue for many users recently has been issues where the location was found to be many miles/km away from where it should be.

    This issue is fixed and a higher accuracy value is now being used.
  • Network download speed has been significantly improved.
    An improved networking stack is being used to drop network download payloads by 30-70%. The app is now using less data thanks to web service compression and it should feel faster throughout the app now.

4th and Mayor, v3.2

Wilcox also points out that 4th and Mayor has just passed its first birthday (March 20th) and has talked about some of the numbers and milestones the application has went through:

  • Used by over 60,000 people, most every single day
  • Over 35,000 people have push notifications enabled, receiving check-in toast notifications, leaderboard live tiles, and other useful updates from Foursquare
  • Of users who’ve opted into sharing usage information, the app has been used to check-in over 7,650,000 times
  • The app’s been run over 8,000,000 times

Long may it continue!

Source / Credit: AAWP App Directory