We like the Lumia 710, and we like the HTC Radar... but which is better?

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Geekaphone put two of the popular mid-range Windows Phone devices next to each other to see which comes out on top, either the Nokia Lumia 710 or the HTC Radar. As well as the unique selling points of each device, the specs sheets have been examined in fine detail to come up with a winner.

It is a very precise article, and it doesn't tell the ful story (after all, I can't see a category for "fits nicely in the hand" or "which makes you look cooler" but it's an interesting approach. While the smartphone world currently seems obsessed with a comprehensive statistics battle expect more of this approach, putting aside criteria such as ease of use in favour of finding out which device shaves a few milliseconds off the touchscreen latency.

If you're looking for a bit more on the devices, here's our write up on the HTC Radar, and a quick video review of the Nokia Lumia 710.

Source / Credit: Geekaphone