When iOS fans switch to Windows Phone...

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Bytenow's Chris Ward is a bit of an Apple fan but since CES he's been trying something different - a Samsung Focus. After a few months, he's sat down to write up what he loves, and what he doesn't, partly around the Focus, but mostly on Windows Phone as a whole. In his words, it's been as big a change coming from iOS that he thought it would be, but he doesn't miss iOS.

Eventually, I ended up finding someone on Craigslist who was willing to trade their Samsung Focus for my iPhone 3G, which had been sitting lifeless in my closet since 2010. That brings us to today. It’s been 2.5 months since I left my iPhone 4S for Windows Phone, and for someone who’s been an iOS devotee for a long time, it’s been a big change. However, it’s not been as big of a change as I thought it would be, and as such, I wanted to discuss my experience with Windows Phone so far.

Windows Phone and Samsung on AT&T

You can read more of Chris' adventures at Bytenow.

Source / Credit: Chris Ward (Bytenow)