Here's a break down of the discussion and interviews in this 361 Degrees special:
Part 1: We discuss INFOSEC and the hot-topics in mobile security – especially Android ‘malware’. We also note Rafe’s continuing absence as the cheque clears.
Part 2: We speak to Rob from Good Mobile Messaging and hear about their strategy for enabling users to ‘bring your own (mobile) device’ into a business IT environment.
Part 3: We speak to Geoff from NQ Mobile about malware, Android, security scanning and the challenge in explaining security risks and products to consumers.
Part 4: David from SMSpasscode talks about using a mobile device as a way to secure access to IT systems. He explains the benefits of SMS in delivering instant services for ‘multi-factor’ authentication.
Part 5: We speak to Jamie from Veracode about the benefits of mobile application security testing and how developers can use this approach to give customers confidence in how an app behaves.
Part 6: We speak to Rob from Mobile Active Defense about ‘mobile device management’ and how it can be extended to give more effective control of business’s mobile devices (and the data on them).
Part 7: We speak to Bernard from Becrypt about full-device encryption and using using high-end government-specification encryption for smartphones and tablets in enterprises.
Part 8: We speak to Trend Micro about mobile anti-virus and choosing secured data synchronisation for consumers and enterprises from a trusted supplier.
Part 9: Ben and Ewan re-cap the day, frustrated at how confusing mobile security is for consumers and wondering what mobile operators and platform makers should be doing better.
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