Carnival of the Mobilists 270

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With a history going back many years (though not as far as the 'All About' sites), the Carnival of the Mobilists has always been a good source of mobile-related reading and this week the blog article roundup includes two of our own features, happily. Thanks to Volker on Mobile! Carnival 270 also includes posts on the mind-boggling stats coming out of the burgeoning Chinese market, on the furore about the use of mobile social posts in the upcoming Olympic games and on how to make sure your mobile application doesn't get buried in the appropriate application store.

From Carnival of the Mobilists 270:

Greetings, friends. Due to the English inability to have bank holidays on days other than a Monday, this week’s Carnival of the Mobilists is a day late but it is here nonetheless, and with verve! I have spent reading through a plethora of good stuff from the trenches of mobile:

Our friends from All About Symbian (yes, that name is still around!) have a bit of a prolific blogging streak and brings us two contributions this week looking at aspects of device and OS design respectively. Since both are intriguing, they get a double mention.

Thanks Volker, though I did note the slight cheek(!) - All About Symbian is not only 'still around', but I have it on good authority that traffic to the the site is still rising, and still with many million unique visitors per month. And All About Windows Phone is doing very well too - I'll let Rafe divulge any exact numbers, but traffic is at a very significant fraction of the parent AAS site, which is encouraging.

Go read the Carnival anyway, and make sure to sign up to its RSS feed so that you don't miss future roundups!