From Ali's rebuttal of the piece (and credit to him for amending and updating his response as extra expertise is gathered from commenters on the piece):
Okay guys, at the risk of being called out as a Paid Microsoft Fan-Boy; I’m gonna address the so-called “Devastating Problems in WP” that everyone has been talking about. First off I’d like to point out that some of them are just plain ridiculous, and the author obviously has never tried a WP and is practically talking out of his @$$ but whatever- these “101″ problems are mostly 2 or 3 issues stated in a different form but I’ll do my best to answer them; I respect anyone’s decision who thinks WP isn’t for them but please don’t start any flame wars; this is supposed to be a factual post. True I like WP but If I see something wrong I will say it, there’s nothing wrong with admitting when there’s something good in a phone/OS -( even though I hate Android I still applaud the OneXs design and looks, I’m not the biggest fan of Meego but I still admit it has some killer features…)
20. Alarm clock cannot work when phone is turned off. All Nokia Symbian and Meego phones can do this. Updated From Comments- Apparently the Alarm DOES ring when the phone is off
21. The idle screen is completely blank and cannot display time or notifications. One of my beefs with the Lumias, hopefully will be changed in Win 8- but still it’s not considered devastating, just tap the lock screen and it’ll pop up
22. Only photos allowed as email attachments, documents not allowed. - Updated from Comments- Text documents and other files can be emailed
23. Bluetooth cannot stream to car audio devices (no rSAP). Yes it can- i hook my Lumia up to my car daily- and it even automatically plays music once it’s connected
Bits in bold type are Ali's reponses, obviously. The lists are quite long (101, etc) but worth a scan through. Which side of the fence do you fall down on here? My gut feel is that you could write a '101' list about any mobile platform, based on the pros of your existing platform/device - the point is that each mobile OS has its pros and cons and you accept each for what it is, warts and all, while gently prompting the manufacturer to fix the most glaring issues.
There is no one perfect OS, not even remotely so, on desktop or tablet or phone. And I dare say there never will be....