361 Degrees Podcast - "This week is Samsung week"

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In the fifth episode of season three of the 361 Degrees podcast we correct our neglect of Samsung by talking about its recent stellar performance, the launch of the Galaxy S3, and the challenges facing the company going forwards.

Episode description:

This week it's Samsung week... a firm we've neglected so far on the podcast despite it recently becoming the world's largest phone manufacturer. As the Galaxy S3 launches around the world to record pre-orders the team discuss Samsung, its recent stellar performance and the challenges of the future.

Are 9m pre-orders 'enough'? What does Samsung stand for? Can they repeat the success of the Galaxy S2? And can they continue to grow using Google's Android as a platform?

Also, don't forget on Monday June 11th Rafe, Ben and Ewan are hosting a 361 Degrees event in London. The format will be based on the BBC's "Question Time", with a panel of invited mobile experts answering questions from the audience.

There will also be a free bar before and after the event - thanks to Nokia for sponsoring this. There are very few tickets left now, so if you would like to come along, please register here.

361 Degrees also now has an associated newsletter:

Updates on each episode (and bulletins between seasons), 'behind the scenes' news , comment round-ups and personal views from the team. 'Back Chat' also offers a way to respond directly to the team on the topics we discuss each week.

You can sign up for the newsletter here.

About 361 Degrees

361 Degrees is a podcast all about mobile technology. From consumer to enterprise and from fun to industry analysis, we investigate and discuss mobile technology and the mobile industry.

You can follow and subscribe to 361 Degrees on the dedicated mini-site, on Soundcloud, with an RSS reader or podcatchervia iTunes via Zune or on any of the hosts' sites.