Quinn Damerell, the developer behind Reddit client Baconit, has announced another app, naturally through the medium of Reddit. Called 'Thinking of You', it delivers a closed messaging system between two Windows Phone users. You need a PIN to access the conversation, the contents are not copyable off the phone, and if either party leave the conversation, it is deleted. It's an interesting solution with a number of uses, although the interlinked hearts in the app icon might give away one obvious use.
Damerell writes on his website:
Thinking of you is the perfect app for you and your special someone. It provides an exclusive, private, and secure instant messaging system for just the two of you.
Featuring push messaging, pin codes, and the forced deletion (on both handsets) of any messages, Thinking of You is an interesting point to point messaging application. While I'm sure it's not going to stand up to a significant hack from any 'men in black' there's enough security here for day to day use.