A Month of Mango leaves Shawn Day impressed

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Shawn Day has spent the last month with a Lumia 800 and written up the experience on his blog. Previously a user of the iPhone 4S, he switched to the Lumia 800 for an extended trial, in his words "to keep my mind open to changing tech­no­lo­gies and avoid drink­ing the Mac Fan­boy kool-aid." Looking at hardware, software, and the UI, Day has been pleasantly surprised by Windows Phone on the Nokia handset.

 to keep my mind open to chan­ging tech­no­lo­gies and avoid drink­ing the Mac Fan­boy kool-aid

Rita's Nokia Lumia 800

Taking a practical look at the different elements of the smartphone and how well they interact with each other, Day breaks down his experience in the article around how he uses the phone day to day. Overall he seems pretty pleased with Nokia's first Windows Phone:

What works for me may not be the way at all for someone else, so the user com­pon­ent remains a big ques­tion mark. How­ever, this is not dis­miss the level of atten­tion from Microsoft and Nokia on the try­ing to give me vari­ous aven­ues to accom­plish the same thing and not get­ting in the way of allow­ing me to define my own way to work. They seem to have adop­ted this prin­ciple and so ques­tions of my abil­ity and strange likes and dis­likes aside they have addressed many aspects of the suer side very well. The hard­ware and soft­ware are very closely linked and so I make it a point to identify this dis­cus­sion as per­tain­ing to the par­tic­u­lar hard­ware and soft­ware that I am using.

He's still using the Lumia, and at the self-proclaimed mid point of the experiment, he's not ready to move back to his iPhone. Follow the adventure on his blog.

Source / Credit: Shawn Day