Tripdots turns motoring into a competition

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When can saving money be a game between friends? When you are driving along and using Tripdots on your Windows Phone. The mobile app promises to "...[help] drivers connect and share information with other vehicle owners" by using your smartphone to keep track of your car travels, mileage, and when you fill up, and compete on leaderboards with your friends and others in areas such as 'best MPG'.

From the Tripdots website:

The free Tripdots service and mobile app, helps you track expenses, compete for Best MPG and share your achievements with your friends on Facebook, LinkedIn and WindowsLive. Meet new people who love cars and all things about driving. Other cool features include mileage tracking, service and recall bulletins and tire rotation and oil change reminders. The free application includes review of the Tripdots and TripConnect friends network and provides you with a view of best performers.

 TripdotsTripdots Tripdots 

One issue I do have at the moment, Tripdots is only available to users in North America. It may be that this is down to their business plan needing the user base where the advertising or affiliate review is, but they seem to be missing the global nature of play and friendship.

I'm hoping that Tripdots will open up to users outside of North America in the near future, as it looks to be a fascinating mix of play (through the competitive elements in a social group) and practical application (helping you monitor your expenses and consumables in your car or truck). Keep an eye on the app in the AAWP Marketplace, or download it now if you're in the US or Canada.

Source / Credit: AAWP App Directory