That's up from the 63 countries where the Windows Phone Marketplace is currently available. Brix has posted the full list of proposed countries on the blog.
Brix has also re-iterated two elements from the Windows Phone Summit. In-app purchasing will be manged from inside the developers App Hub, which will also be available in every territory that also has a Windows Phone 8 marketplace, and the Company Hub will offer another way to distribute applications, allowing developers to target organisations for app deployment via a Company Hub:
In Windows Phone 8, we’ve built a new home for custom enterprise apps called the Company Hub, opening a new market for developers who specialize in building and licensing these line-of-business apps. IT departments, meanwhile, have options for deploying, managing, and revoking these apps. Another bonus: The Company Hub has the same clean Metro look and design, so businesses and their employees should find it as easy to use as the rest of the phone.
You can get the full marketplace list over on the Windows Phone Blog.