Nokia Lumia 710 continues to impress new users

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There's an interesting angle on the Lumia 710 from Dan Connolly on his blog, where he talks about his son's decision to replace an iPhone with the Lumia 710 on T-Mobile USA. While the initial sale seems to have been closed thanks to the low initial price of the handset ($50 and then added to Connolly's Family Plan) and no need for a data plan, the simplicity of the phone has impressed Connolly as well as his son.

Nokia Lumia 710

I have spent a couple decades avoiding the influence of Microsoft in my life, and especially in the Web, but Microsoft is motivated to be more open and interoperable in the mobile space, since they don't dominate it.  Plus, a good friend of mine gushes about his new Windows Mobile phone, a complete turn-around compared to his endless gripes and frustrations with his original Windows Mobile phone. So I was open to it. But even $50 is $40 more than the other phone, so I asked my son if he was sufficiently interested to contribute a certain chunk of the price. Yes, he said, without hesitation, and we went for it... This thing has all the "wow! it can do that too?!" of my Samsung Vibrant with Android 2.2 and none of the "oops... hey! what? grrr..." surprise and frustration and waiting. The back button is as quick as it used to be on the sidekick/hiptop.

You can read Dan's full post on his blog.

Source / Credit: Mad Mode by Dan Connolly