gMaps Pro gets Latitude and Street View

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While much of the Windows Phone mapping news has been focused around how Nokia Maps will become ubiquitous across the platform, it isn't the only show in town! gMaps Pro is an independant developer's shot at bringing Google Maps to Windows Phone users who aren't ready to give up on Google's ecosystem. The latest update (v1.24) brings two key features of Google Maps to Windows Phone 7. Namely, Google Latitude overlay and Street View.

Other updates include:

gmaps pro 1.24

gMaps already had support for updating your location via Latitude, but now Latitude is available as a map layer so that you can see the location of your contacts.

gMaps Pro ScreenshotgMaps Pro ScreenshotgMaps Pro Screenshot

The Street View mode allows you to rotate about your map position, but its implementation does not yet support looking up and down around a given point, nor zooming in and out. However, it does support automatic rotation based on your compass bearing.

You can find gMaps Pro in the AAWP App Directory.

gMaps Pro ScreenshotgMaps Pro ScreenshotgMaps Pro Screenshot

Source / Credit: gMaps Pro Facebook Page