Smartest Eraser is smart, but crippled

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I've always been fascinated by intelligent photo software, in this case removing an object from a photo and intelligently filling in the background based on what's around it. Smartest Eraser promises much and has a wonderfully thought out interface, but ultimately fails for anything other than fun use because its output resolution is so limited.

The premise of Smartest Eraser is simple - take a photo like the one below and remove a detail that you'd rather wasn't there. Usually it'll be a lamppost or rubbush bin or bystander, but we'll use something obvious like the football in the example here.

Smartest Eraser

Smartest Eraser launches with a helpful reminder of the workflow involved:

Smartest EraserSmartest Eraser

You also get the chance to adjust the main 'quality' (of which more later) and to check that you're happy for processing to happen underneath the Windows phone lock screen - a nice feature, Smartest Eraser impresses here.


You're then given a painting interface. Pinch to zoom in as needed and then pick the 'remove' or 'protect' tools and paint away:

Smartest Eraser Smartest Eraser

You then hit the magic wand icon and Smartest Eraser does its thing, analysing the image around the item painted out and filling in background intelligently. Processing takes around 30 seconds, after which you get to save this to your 'Saved Pictures' album:

Smartest Eraser

Results are, as you can see, surprisingly good. However, there's a problem, and it's the reason why this is just a quick look and not a full review - Smartest Eraser, like many image utilities on Windows Phone (and other mobile OS) is cheating. You may be giving it an 8 megapixel image from your camera, but you'll end up with something that's not much bigger than VGA. OK for Facebook, which is why there's a Facebook sharing icon built-in, but utterly unusable for any other semi-serious use.

If the developer can up the supported output resolution, then I'm in. I don't care that it will then take a couple of minutes to process - hey, as the Settings prove, it can all happen under my lock screen anyway.

You can find Smartest Eraser here in the Windows Phone Marketplace, currently free. Lots of potential, it's an unashamed verison 1.0, grab it and give the developer your feedback too.

Source / Credit: Symbian Tweet