Lode Runner Classic shows up on Xbox Live

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Xbox Live has another release this week, and unlike last week's second release (Mirror's Edge), this one is available for everybody. Lode Runner was originally released in 1983, and nineteen years later we have a version released for Xbox Live.

While it is new code (ie not an emulation layer on an older computer's version of the game), Lode Runner Classic has a definite retro feel, retaining the blocky pixel graphics and simple graphical design to your smartphone. This is in contrast to the Xbox Live Arcade for the Xbox Console, which is definitely spruced up to 21st Century standards. That said, I love the retro look and it will focus the player's minds on the 150 levels included in the app.

Lode Runner Classic (Xbox Live)

Controls are through an on-screen d-pad, which gives you controls both for movement and the digging action to let you burrow into the levels.

Lode Runner Classic (Xbox Live)

As always, a trial version is available in the Windows Marketplace and the AAWP App Directory as well as the full price purchase.

Source / Credit: AAWP App Directory