Counters available from Nokia Beta Labs - tracks call, data and SMS usage

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Available now from Nokia Beta Labs is Counters, an app that tracks voice, text, and data usage and shows total usage in relation to user-configurable limits. For those on contracts with specified monthly limits it make it easy to see, at a glance, how many minutes of calls, numbers of texts and amount of data you have left to use.

On starting the app for the first time you'll be asked to provide monthly limits for calls, messaging and data, plus the day of the month on which counters should be rest. For many this latter setting will be the first of the month, but for others it will be the day they started their contract. The app will automatically reset the counter on the specified day every month.

Once the limits set it will start monitoring phone usage in the background. On the opening page of the app there's a tile for each usage type, with the background reflecting the usage / limit remaining.

Counters ScreenshotCounters Screenshot

Tapping on any one of the tiles (calls, messaging and data), takes you a pivot view for the appropriate type, which shows additional information. The first page of the pivot shows monthly usage (against the defined limit), the second shows total usage, and the third (voice and messaging only) shows a top contact list (sorted by number of outgoing / incoming minutes).

Counters ScreenshotCounters Screenshot

Marketplace description:

Counters app lets you manage your calls, messaging and data use each month. And there’s even the option to reset your counters on your monthly billing date. 

Counters can be downloaded from the Windows Phone Marketplace by following this link on your device Windows Phone, or scanning the QR code on this page.

Source / Credit: Nokia Beta Labs