The motion-comic style sees traditional comic illustrations animated with a mixture of parallax scrolling and Ken Burns effect motion, backed by a sound track. The end result is a 5 minute comic strip based video, which recreates the opening prologue scenes of the film.
Nokia has released a series of apps to tie in with the latest Batman film. TDKR: Prologue is the last of these, other titles include Batman: Origins and The Dark Knight Rises Nokia App.
Marketplace description:
To get you ready for the epic conclusion to Christopher Nolan's epic Batman trilogy, download this official app to experience the Prologue to "The Dark Knight Rises"… in motion-comic form! This specially-designed app lets you experience this prologue in a way that you never have before through the creative minds at DC Comics and includes links to the most up-to-date sources in full preparation for "The Dark Knight Rises.
TDKR: Prologue is a free download from the Nokia collection of the Windows Phone Marketplace.