Opinions come in on the Nokia HH-23

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Although I quite liked the compact size and simplicity of Nokia's new tripod mount for its smartphones, the single point 'grip' does mean that the phone can swivel a little, which isn't great. In addition, as picked up here in Stephen Quin's well illustrated review, in which he tries the HH-23 with the Nokia 808 and Lumia 800, the grip point can also interfere with the side buttons on the phones. Back to the drawing board, Nokia?

From the review:

The HH-23 doesn't quite work as is should, it will hold the phone on the tripod, but the 'universal fit' isn't too good, the back of the mount is perfectly flat and the back of the 808 is curved (even my N9 & Lumia 800 are 'pillowed') and so the fitting of the phone to the mount is not exactly snug. Secondly when I first tried to attach my 808, the natural position to mount it means the mount presses the physical lock/unlock button on the phone and switched on the torch function on, after a few attempts I got it to hold the phone reasonably, but it wasn't especially secure...

Now despite my own findings and Richards professional advice, I AM going to keep the HH-23, basically because I think I will get some use from it, I have taken a couple of Videos which were to say the least a little shaky which hopefully a tripod will eliminate and the taking of self portraits (not that I take a lot of those) or groups I actually want to be photographed with will be achieved well enough using the timer in the camera menu.It may also be possible for me to experiment with Time Lapse photography using the tripod mount if I ever get that adventurous,also it will actually work with my other phones, the N9 & Lumia 800 do fit slightly better, but overall I don't think the HH-23 is something I could reccommend.

Lumia 800 in HH-23


Richard Dorman, aka the rightly famous 'Sheridan01' on Twitter, has also been posting comments on the HH-23:

Twitter screenshot


Comments welcome if you've ordered the HH-23 too. How does it work with your smartphone? Moreover, how should a phone tripod mount be implemented? Is it time for a 'all four corners' mount, that simulates how you'd hold a phone when taking videos?

Source / Credit: Stephen Quin