Shoot 1UP gives you one chance on Xbox Live this week

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The Xbox Live releases have went all old school. Last week a 2D platformer, this week a vertical up the screen scroller. Shoot 1Up is definitely moulded on the arcade classics of yesteryear, which suits me fine, it's a genre I'm very comfortable playing and like the best games, Shoot 1UP comes with a twist.

You start your shoot-em-up quest with two craft on screen, flying in formation. If they are both destroyed, it's game over. No more replays, no second chances, dead is dead.

 Shoot 1UPShoot 1UP  

There are '1UP' bonus lives dotted through the levels, but rather than stockpile them for the moment of death, developers Mommy's Best Games will give you the extra life immediately. The more 1Up tokens you collect, the bigger fleet of lives/ships you will build up. You can change the formation they fly in with the pinch to zoom gesture, and steer by dragging your finger around the screen - which is mimicked by your fleet.

As long as you have even one ship left on screen the game will continue, but when that last ship is destroyed, it's game over.

 Shoot 1UPShoot 1UP 

Throw in all the expected tricks of an arcade shooter on top of this delightful wrinkle and you have what looks to be a great arcade game. Time will tell just how good it is, so watch out for the review next week, but until then you can download the trial copy via the AAWP App Directory.

Source / Credit: AAWP App Directory