The Mobile Academy courses launched, in London, Sept to Nov

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Professionals from Nokia, Samsung and Opera will be delivering talks, work­shops and clinics at The Mobile Academy in London over the next three months. It's all organised by Mobile Monday London, the 'capital’s largest com­munity for people involved in mobile', and Uni­ver­sity College London (UCL Advances). The Mobile Academy is a prac­tical, 10-week/36-hour evening pro­gramme for anyone keen to start or con­tinue their journey in mobile innovation. More details below.

UCLFrom the press release:

  • Are you are a company that needs to get deeper into mobile?
  • A designer or developer who wants to learn new skills?
  • An entre­preneur looking to launch into mobile?
  • Maybe you are on the busi­ness side and want to learn more about mobile tech­no­logy and design?
  • Are you trying to get your idea funded?

...Unlike other courses, The Mobile Academy focuses on the busi­ness, design and tech­no­lo­gical aspects of devel­oping suc­cessful mobile products, ser­vices and exper­i­ences. Amongst other things, it can help to trans­form the seed of an idea into a Dragon’s Den style pitch-ready present­a­tion or an award winning mobile campaign.

Par­ti­cipants are encour­aged to develop their own idea as they pro­gress through the pro­gramme and can select from talks, work­shops and clinics, all delivered by industry pro­fes­sionals from  suc­cessful start ups, as well as organ­isa­tions such as Nokia, Samsung, Opera and Droidcon.

A Cer­ti­ficate of Con­tinued Pro­fes­sional Devel­op­ment will be awarded to those who com­plete the course with a minimum 80% attendance.

Full details are available here.


Source / Credit: The Mobile Academy