There's also a social element, with employees able to share travel information, and share messages with others employees who are on the road.
This kind of social mobile location (SoMoLo) and travel itinerary management is relatively common place in the consumer world (e.g TripIt, Traxo), but conTgo takes a corporate first approach and aims to tie it with existing corporate travel management tools and processes. Part of the conTgo service is the ability for companies to see, at a glance, where all employees are when travelling on business (users must opt-in).
conTgo for Windows Phone will only be useful if your company is already using the service, but its arrival on the platform after a debut on iOS and Android, is a sign of the increasing corporate adoption of Windows Phone, something which is expected to accelerate with Windows Phone 8.
Marketplace description:
The conTgo Mobile Application provides an elegant way for corporate travellers to keep informed about their trip and stay connected with their travel manager during travel. As a registered user of the conTgo service you will receive your complete travel itinerary before travel. You may also receive alert and information messages in times of disruption, delay or disaster. You can optionally tag your geo-location to messages when you respond. At your destination airport, you can share messages with other travellers from your company.
conTgo is a free download from the Windows Phone Marketplace.