Control your deskbound downloads with uTurrent's Remote app

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If you;re the sort of person who throws big files around the interent all day and every day, then uTorrent on Windows Phone is worth looking at. Rather than torrenting to your smartphone, this is a remote application to manage the uTorrent application running on a Windows or OSX deskbound machine.

µTorrent Remote Beta is part of the latest µTorrent for Windows and Mac. This Windows Phone app securely connects to your home computer from anywhere you have an internet connection. Use µTorrent Remote to add, remove, start, stop torrents and check download progress of all your torrents. Check your RSS feeds and start downloads on the go. Use your mobile browser to find torrents and they will automatically be added to your home µTorrent! Completed downloads can even be shifted directly back to your Windows device for local playback.

 uTorrent Remote uTorrent Remote

Given the length of time that torrent files take to download, it makes sense to be able to monitor their status from your mobile device while you are away from the torrenting computer. With the remote app developed by the same team as the deskbound client, there is a lot of integration going on here, and it's a solution that delivers. Yes it's relatively niche, but if that niche includes you, this is a smart application and sure to make your life easier.

Grab the remote app from our App Directory or find it in the Windows Store.

Source / Credit: AAWP App Directory