Atari's Asteroids (in HTML5) for IE10 on WP8

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That's a lot of numbers in that headline, but a quick browse to on your Windows Phone 8 device and all will become clear. Microsoft are showing off Internet Explorer 10's capability as an HTML5 web browser using the medium of classic arcade games. Four titles can be chosen from the menu, they are Asteroids, Missile Command. Pong, and Super Breakout.

Atari Arcade

There are also sections for developers to find out more on using IE10 and HTML5, and a streaming video reminding everyone what the Atari 2600 was like, and promoting how IE10 has reimagined the games.

The Atari Arcade in HTML5 was launched for desktop browsers earlier this year, with ten Atari titles in the mix, but now the titles and code on four games have been optimised for mobile. Microsoft's Steve Lake:

Now we’re excited that the gameplay has been extended to the mobile web – we worked with Atari and Grant Skinner again to ensure four of the original games you know and love – Pong, Missile Command, Asteroids and Super Breakout – have been updated to really light up on a smaller screen. What’s really exciting here is that Grant Skinner’s team made mobile enhancements to the CreateJS framework that we’re releasing to help developers build cross-platform HTML5 games.

Atari Arcade

Ready to take the games for a spin? Just point the browser on your Windows Phone 8 smartphone to

Source / Credit: Microsoft's Exploring IE Blog