The Phones Show verdict on the Nokia Lumia 920 and Windows Phone 8

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There's nothing so challenging satisfying as getting the essence of a smartphone and an entire operating system all down to ten minutes of video, however fast paced. With my 'Phones Show' hat on, broadcasting for cross-platform audience, I tackle the Nokia Lumia 920 and Windows Phone 8 in Phones Show 187, released this morning. It's embedded below and comments are, of course, welcome!

From the show:

Who’s the Lumia 920 for? I still don’t believe it’s perfect for geeks and fiddlers, too much is still missing once you start looking too hard beneath the surface, things you thought should be working and automated turn out to have been frozen or, more usually, terminated completely.

The key is the OS though - the 920 is for someone wanting their first, easy to use, smartphone but also wanting the best they can buy. Or perhaps someone who cut their teeth on a mid range, mass market Android device and was continually disappointed by the hardware quality and what they perceived as a confusing interface. Or someone who is already heavily invested in desktop Windows, Skydrive and Office - for whom Windows Phone 8 is a good match.

So that’s three potential markets, though note that the OS isn’t 100% done yet - we’re expecting numerous updates through 2013 - but Windows Phone 8 does, indisputably, provide a breath of fresh air in an increasingly iOS and Android-dominated smartphone world.

In the Lumia 920, Nokia has, essentially, taken the 2012 touch slab concept and, well... ‘Nokiafied’ it. Better quality components - camera, speaker, screen, microphone, but chunkier and heavier as a result. Reminds me of a parallel from the past.... I’ve got it! - it’s the N95 8GB of the modern age!

Source / Credit: The Phones Show