Windows Phone Blog talks up "Meet Your Match" challenge

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Ben Rudolph, writing on the official Windows Phone Blog, share some interesting data points on Microsoft's "Meet Your Match" campaign, a marketing initiative that, following on from the previous "Smoked by Windows Phone" campaign, pits Windows Phone devices against iPhone and Android "in real-life tasks".

Microsoft has now run more than 75,000 challenges and demos across the UK, US, France and Germany, and of those taking part 88% thought post challenge that "Windows Phone was a better match for them than the phone in their pocket". In addition to actual participants, the campaign videos have been viewed more than 600,000 times on YouTube (an average of 46,000 views for each video).

As we noted lat time round it's not a surprise to see Windows Phone doing well in these test:

A well trained member of the Windows Phone team up against a member of the public is hardly a fair comparison. But, the "challenge" tasks are the sort of things that people will do with their phone, and the people involved are genuine.

More importantly, it shows how Microsoft is positioning Windows Phone when presenting the platform to the public. The underlying idea is of a device that matches to the way you want to do things, and is personal to you.

On the other hand, the numbers shared in the blog post, albeit without any context on survey methodology, do suggest the campaign is being well received and is changing consumer perceptions of the platform. Getting that to scale, and converting perception or intent into actual purchases remains a significant challenge, each step of the process is important.

Here's an example video from the Meet Your Match challenge. You can watch the rest of this YouTube playlist.


Source / Credit: Windows Phone Blog