Profiled in Pandodaily, CEO and founder Aaron Stannard talks about the aims of MarkedUp, and where it hopes to make a difference to app developers looking to monetise their work:
Stannard’s problem with most mobile analytics services is their focus on optimizing in-app ads for developers of free apps. MarkedUp instead focuses on premium native apps – both desktop and mobile – aiming to drive in-app purchase, trial conversions, and subscriptions. The company believes its service is unique as the first analytics platform to support both desktop and premium mobile applications.
As always, the key to a well performing application is getting usage data, and Stannard should know what developers are looking for In his previous job he worked at Microsoft as a Developer Evangelist. The framework targets Windows Phone 8 (and Windows 8) developers working with Java, C/C++, C#, .Net, and HTML5.
The service is currently free, although there are concrete plans on the costs, which will kick in during 2013:
The solution is currently free for all users, and likely will be through Q1 of 2013. Subsequently, each app will be able to collect its first 1,000,000 data points per month for free, and then will pay $99 per month for each subsequent million data points. The first 500 developers to register for MarkedUp will receive a free two-year license to use the service regardless of data.
Read the full profile over at PandoDaily, and then check out MarkedUp on their website.