From the AppCampus website:
Apart from investing 20,000 – 70,000 euros per project, AppCampus also supports the admitted applicants with comprehensive support, training in mobile technology, design and usability, to create innovative new mobile apps and services. Windows Phone Marketplace and Nokia Store offer local and global business opportunities to program participants via distribution to consumers around the world.
The Windows Phone Blog also has more details on the fund:
lerator program designed to help developers bring their innovative apps to market. Together, Microsoft and Nokia have pledged to invest up to €18 million in this program over the next three years. AppCampus is also open to applications for Nokia platforms, including Symbian and Series 40.
Applicants whose apps are selected for the program can receive cash awards varying from €20,000 (approximately $25,000) to €70,000 (approximately $90,000), depending on the complexity of the app. AppCampus also provides world-class training, coaching, and marketing and distribution support. And unlike some other startup accelerators, the AppCampus program doesn’t take equity or commission from the awards. Selected apps must commit to a short exclusivity period on Windows Phone (or the relevant Nokia platform) after the app is published.
Want to get started? Head over to for terms and conditions, and how to get started.