Here's the video, maximise the window and the playback quality, as usual, if your bandwidth is up to it.
Comments welcome. And look out for a test by me of the cameras in the Lumia 920 and Samsung Ativ S, pitched against the Nokia N8 and N9....
Published by Steve Litchfield at
There's a nice 10 minute video embedded below, from a camera expert outside the traditional smartphone geek world, comparing the cameras in the iPhone 4 and 5 with the newer Nokia Lumia 920, running Windows Phone 8. It's something of a random selection, in that the iPhone '4' is now quite old, but always good to see tech from the iOS world compared to the rest of the mobile industry. Summary? The Lumia 920's photos have good colours and plenty of photographer controls to fiddle with, plus the device wins out by a mile in low light, as we'd expect.
Here's the video, maximise the window and the playback quality, as usual, if your bandwidth is up to it.
Comments welcome. And look out for a test by me of the cameras in the Lumia 920 and Samsung Ativ S, pitched against the Nokia N8 and N9....
Source / Credit: The Nokia Blog