Another blogger falls in love with Windows Phone

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It's always great to read stories about people discovering Windows Phone and making the switch to the platform. Apart from the fact it makes it a little less lonely in the ecosystem, it can give people looking at Windows Phone more confidence to have a look at the handsets, knowing they are not going to be a 'first mover' and that they actually get the job done.

From Shasher's post:

Truth be told, it wasn't too difficult to give up in the end... I didn't want to go back to the little screen... I didn't want to go back to having to take off my gloves in -20C weather in order to use the touch screen... I love my customizable and personalized to me and me alone tiles on the home screen!

It's true that the apps available for the Windows Phone need to increase and mature. I'm sure the same could have been said for apps on the other phones when they first came out!! All in good time...I trust that as the popularity grows, the app developers will develop more 3rd party apps.

Lumia camera

You can read all her thoughts over on Shasher's Life.

Source / Credit: Shasher's Life