As far as we can tell, this release of Super Monkey Ball 2 plays exactly the same as the Xbox Live release, but there are two important differences. The first, as mentioned, is that this release is a free download for Lumia owners. The second is that as a 'vanilla' game release there are no Xbox Live achievement points to win.
If you've alreeady played Super Monkey Ball, you should also note that game saves, data, and progress, is not shared between the two tiles. They might look the same, but to the Windows Phone OS they are separate siloed applications.
When we reviewed the Xbox Live version, Super Monkey Ball 2 proved to be a fun arcade game with a lot to challenge the player.
...get set for a hair raising platform game which is going to need moments of quiet and careful movement to pick up bananas that are balanced right on the edge of a platform (and of course if you fall, you'll lose a life and be prepared to start again), contrasting with moments when you need a huge amount of speed to make it over a jump and reach for the next platform in the level.
Your Nokia can download Super Monkey Ball 2 from the Nokia Collection in the Windows Store, or you can go for the full priced Xbox Live version.