Moving from BBC Radio Player to Radio Lounge

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Sharp eyed audio fans will have noticed in the last few weeks that the BBC Radio Player and Podcasting apps in the Windows Store have went through a name change. Rather than slap developer Richard Castle with a cease and desist, the BBC have worked with him to keep the apps available, and in the process increased their scope outside of Auntie to the wider media world.

Castle has been interviewed by Nokia Conversations on the backroom dealings that have kept the app available in the Windows Store:

It was in the middle of 2012 and their main objection was that I was using the BBC name and logo in the title, which was fair enough. Plus, while they are happy for people to use their APIs, the app cannot solely feature BBC content; it needs to be augmented with content of a similar nature from other providers. The BBC cannot be given undue prominence within the app either.

They had every right to tell me to cease and desist and have Microsoft remove the apps. They didn’t do that, which gave me a bit of confidence that they were willing to work with me to make things right.

 Radio Player Radio Player

Both applications are very well polished, and work around the world - there's something reassuring about listening to the shipping forecast when I'm getting ready to board a flight back to the UK from Los Angeles International airport!

You can find Radio Lounge and Podcast Lounge in the Windows Store.

Source / Credit: Nokia Conversations