The latest stats on HERE Maps data

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Nokia has shared updated numbers for that data underlying the HERE location suite, underlining the continual updating and expansion of Nokia's map coverage. For example, Nokia now has indoor mapping for 29,000 buildings, up from 4,605 venues in July 2012, and there are more than 43 million kilometres of navigable roads in Nokia Drive+, that's 113 times the distance between the earth and the moon.

Here's a summary of the numbers:

  • HERE Maps covers 196 countries.
  • HERE Drive+ offers voice guided, turn by turn navigation in 94 of these countries.
  • The total length of navigable roads in HERE Drive+ is 43 million kilometres.
  • HERE Transit now covers more than 700 cities in over 50 countries.
  • Live Traffic information is available in 32 countries
  • Indoor mapping available for 29,000 unique building in 45 countries.

Here Maps numbers

Also of interest in the location area is that the Nokia Lumia 520 will ship with HERE Drive, rather than HERE Drive+). The key difference is that HERE Drive will ship with maps for the region in which it ships, where as Drive+ ships with global maps. This reflects the price point of the Lumia 520 (a portion of the cost of the device is apportioned to Nokia's Location & Commerce division), and is an additional way Nokia is able to make its entry level Lumia device more affordable.