At heart, Boom Brigade 2 is most similar to a tower defense game, except that here it's your mobile units ('troopers') which have the firepower. You control where they go, how they're armed, with new weapons coming along as fast as new aliens which have to be defeated.
There are an inordinate number of powerups - rather cutely, they parachute down onto the battlefield - which can be picked up by just driving a trooper over them, with their powers shown above.
30 missions doesn't sound a lot, but factor in multiple waves of aliens within each mission and factor in a level of difficulty which gets to insanely hard surprisingly quickly and there's little danger of completing Boom Brigade 2 anytime soon.
And so you trace lines for your troopers, indicate priority targets and generally have fun blowing up aliens. Of special note is that, as with all the 10tons games, there's a glorious digital (military) music soundtrack, plus all the explosions and gunfire you'd expect.
If you're into tower defense games as a genre, then definitely give this title a second look. You can try or buy Boom Brigade 2 here in the Windows Phone Store.