WP8 Facebook client gets a rapid bugfix update

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Following an update earlier on Thursday that caused the client to crash on a number of Windows Phone 8 handsets, the official Facebook client has picked up a rather rapid bug-fix, which takes care of the issue and is now available in the Windows Phone store.

The first update, v, had some issues when accessing comments and notifications which caused the app to crash. That's now been taken care of, so look for the bug-fix version of

Windows Phone 7 users are on a different version tree, and there are no issues with their latest update, v2.7.


The Facebook client for Windows Phone is a strange beast, developed by Microsoft with engineering support from third party developers. This is different to the arrangement on iOS and Android, where Facebook develop those clients in-house.

You can pick up the new build from the Windows Store on the web or update it from the Windows Store client on your handset.

Source / Credit: Find it in the Windows Store