Play Pinball with one of the greatest minds of history

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Gameprom's pinball engine comes to Windows Phone with the release of DaVinci Pinball. Published by EA subsidiary Chillingo, the game is based not on the pulp fictional books by Dan Brown, but on Leonardo DaVinci and his fertile inventive mind.

As our resident expert on the sloping table, Steve's going to give this a full review in the near future. From a quick flip around the layout, the DaVinci code has a nice feel to it, the physics doesn't stand out as being wrong in any way, and the table layout appears to be quite forgiving, allowing for a longer gaming session.

Like every good pinball game, there's a story behind it:

The unique theme makes for some specatular pinball action with medieval weapons, architecture and machinery that make these tables like nothing you've played before. Explore amazing inventions like Da Vinci's flying machine and tank and pinball your way through the mind of a Rennaissance man who invented the modern world!

Coupling the story and the multiple targets for activating on the table with the Xbox Live achievements is a stroke of genius in term of extending the gameplay, giving you a reason to keep coming back to the title.

 DaVinci Pinball DaVinci Pinball 

You can download the trial version from the Windows Store, where it is also available for $2.99/£2.29

Source / Credit: Find it in the AAWP App Directory