Looking to capture the perfect sunrise or sunset photo? Less enthusiastic about the waiting around that such an activity usually involves? Then the small photo utility Photo Location Planner is for you. Not only does it provide sunrise and sunset information for a specified location, it also provides an interactive map that show you the relevant direction, enabling you to pre-plan the perfect shot.
As developer Aalisoft notes the time and direction of a sunset / sunrise depend on both the date (time) and the place (location). By default the app will perform a calculation for the current day, but as with the location, it possible to specify any day you like.
astronomical (when the sun is 18° below the horizon, conditions are good enough for astronomical observations)
nautical (time when the center of the sun is between 6° and 12° below the horizon, such that mariners can take star sights for navigation purposes)
civil (also known as dusk, when the sun is 6° below the horizon, and human eyesight is still good)
Windows Phone Store description:
Do you need to plan when and where you need to go to capture the perfect sunrise or sunset photograph? This app lets you see when the sun rises and sets as well as the direction on an interactive map.