Business Insider on the advantages of Windows Phone over iPhone

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While the language is a bit confrontational, Business Insider's '9 Ways Windows Phones Still Absolutely Crush The iPhone' might not be as definitive as the headline suggests, but it is a nice reminder of the different experiences that Microsoft have brought to the table with their mobile OS.

I'll leave you to discover the majority of the points in their article, but I want to draw attention to two of them. The first is the love for the integrated address book, and how it presents a lot of useful information about a contact. i wish they had shown the next step, which shows you an integrated social stream of their activities over Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, along with your personal interactions - but the connected contact card implementation in Windows Phone is one of the features that rivals haven't quite equalled.

And the second? The camera on the Nokia Lumia 1020. Strictly speaking that's 'how Nokia's flagship could beat another handset' but it's a perfect example of the halo effect that the Lumia 1020 has shone over the Lumia platform, and the Windows Phone ecosystem.

Nokia 1020

From a PR point of view, Windows Phone as a platform needs to see more articles like this. With Android and iOS effectively defining how a mobile phone should work for the vast majority of people using smartphones today, the idea of a different way of displaying content and interacting with it, is one of the key points that makes Windows Phone handsets stand out.

Head over to Business Insider for the full article.

Source / Credit: Business Insider